Battlecruiser Online: Official site, including news, game overview, downloads, screenshots, technical support information, and forums

Escape Velocity: The official site, from Ambrosia Software. Includes downloads, screenshots, and ordering information

Escape Velocity Override: EV Override's official site. Included a forum, downloads, and information for aspiring pilots

EVE Online: Official website with news, game information, and forums. Includes links to several fan sites and player run corporations

EVElopedia: Official wiki hosted by the game makers and contributed to by players. Includes an item database and game guides

Frontier Developments Ltd: Developers or co-developers of the series. Includes game overviews, FAQs, technical support and news

Ian Bell's Elite Pages: Co-developer's pages, which include a flight manual, version information, FAQ, Text Elite, fiction, Elite The Musical, and an archive containing the executables and source code for most release versions of Elite

The XPilot Page: Official site with tutorials, references, FAQ, and where to download



Published by World Readable