Rich in resources on Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, qigong, tuina, dietetics, diagnosis and theory, clinical point selections, acupuncturist referrals, news, college courses

Aura-Soma Corporate: UK-based. Information on the theory and practice of color healing, product supplies, consultant and teacher lists Provides an electronic, searchable version of "A Modern Herbal," by Maud Grieve. Also includes message boards, articles, book reviews, and links

HealthWorld Online Naturopathic Medicine Center: Definitive resources in Natural Medicine: articles from leading Naturopathic physicians, the Textbook of Natural Medicine, online archives of the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine and Quarterly Review of Naturopathic Medicine, numerous articles and online audio files

Healthy Way Magazine: Filled with complementary health and lifestyle information and advice, based on the knowledge and traditions of practitioners of complementary therapies and the clinical research of modern science

Homeopathy Home: A Homeopathic portal providing many links, articles, services, forums and information

Meditation Station: Meditation Society of America's web site. Dedicated to sharing meditation techniques and concepts from all traditions

Pranic Healing International: Information on the founder of modern Pranic Healing, Master Choa Kok Sui. Workshops, activities, resources. Maintained by Charlotte Anderson

Skeptic's Dictionary: Urine Therapy: Robert Todd Carroll on urine therapy

The Skeptics Dictionary: Definitions and essays on alternative medicine ideas and practices with references to the best skeptical literature



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