CDC: 2009 H1N1 Flu: Provides information in general and for specific groups, what to do to stay healthy, situation updates, vaccine status, and online resource material. From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC: All About Hantavirus: General information, technical resources for healthcare providers, contacts, case reports and maps, teaching resources, and news CDC: West Nile Virus: Describes the entomology, and gives details of the NYC area outbreak, as well as providing background information on surveillance, control, and prevention CIDRAP: Zika: Presents directory of news, resources, and publications concerning the disease Disaster Information Management Research Center: Zika Virus Health Information Resource Guide: Comprehensive directory of publications, news, articles, and other resources that is updated daily Gazette International Networking Institute (GINI): Coordinator of International Polio Network (IPN) and International Ventilator Users Network (IVUN), collects, creates, and disseminates information for people with disabilities, specifically polio survivors and ventilator users. Information includes newsletters, directories, and books about independent living, home mechanical ventilation, and the late effects of poliomyelitis Post-Polio Syndrome Central: A listing of PPS [postpolio, post polio syndrome] internet resources, original papers, surveys and polls WHO: Pandemic (H1N1) 2009: Provides news, FAQs, guidance documents, situation updates, regional information. From the World Health Organisation, Global Alert and Response (GAR) |
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