EPA Office of Research and Development: Scientific and technological arm of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ORD is organized around a basic strategy of risk assessment and risk management to remediate environmental and human health problems Office of Air and Radiation: Deals with issues that affect the quality of our air. OAR develops national programs, technical policies, and regulations for air pollution control. Areas of concern to OAR include: indoor and outdoor air quality, stationary and mobile sources of air pollution, radon, radiation protection, acid rain, stratospheric ozone depletion, and pollution prevention Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance: Ensures compliance with the nation's environmental laws by employing an integrated approach of compliance assistance, compliance incentives and innovative civil and criminal enforcement Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances: Develops national strategies for toxic substance control and promotes pollution prevention and the public's right to know about chemical risks Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response: Information on cleaning up contaminated properties; preventing and preparing for chemical accidents and oil spills; and managing waste safely Office of Water, U.S. EPA: Directory and searching of U.S. EPA water-related web resources, imagery, animations, kid's pages, publications, and links about U.S. water resources U.S. EPA Region 7: Serving Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska |
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