Congressman Collin Peterson: District 7, Minnesota. Democrat. Press releases and op-ed pieces, FAQ for constituents, contacts. Information on the District, a huge, largely rural, swath of western Minnesota

Congressman Erik Paulsen: Official site of the U.S. Representative of the 3rd District of Minnesota, Republican party

Congressman John Kline: Official site of the U.S. Representative of the 2nd District of Minnesota. Republican party

Congressman Keith Ellison: District 5, Minnesota. DFL. Biography, bills sponsored, voting record. How his office can help constituents deal with federal agencies. Background information on the District in Minneapolis and suburbs

Congressman Rick Nolan: Official website of the U.S. Representative for Minnesota's 8th District. Includes biography, map of district, news items, press releases grouped by issue, services offered to constituents

Congressman Tim Walz: District 1, Minnesota. DFL. Biography, map of district, news items, press releases grouped by issue, services offered to constituents

Congresswoman Betty McCollum: District 4, Minnesota. Democrat. Profile of the Congresswoman, press releases, committee assignments. Map of this District, which covers the north and east suburbs of St. Paul

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann: Biography, statements and op-ed pieces, tips on dealing with federal government agencies. Map of the District, which covers Central Minnesota and part of the northern metro area



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