Lobbying Spending: Tobacco: The Center for Responsible Politics lists $23 million of lobbyist spending by the tobacco industry in 1999, and breaks it down by tobacco company, lobbying firm, and lobbyist. Also shows other clients of the firm

Smoke Free Movies: UCSF project challenges the movie industry to stop taking cash or other arrangements for featuring tobacco brands in their films; gives examples and statistics on how much smoking goes on on-screen

The National Smokers Alliance: Exposed: ANR report on the NSA. "The goal of this piece is to reveal the origins, modus operandi, and game plan of the National Smokers Alliance, a "smokers' rights" front group created and funded by Big Tobacco to protect its profits.

Tobacco Industry Activity in the U.S.: Reports on industry activity by state; extensive and recent reports available for Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Massachusetts, Missouri, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin



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