Calendar of Events: Meetings of interest to TeX users, maintained by TUG

CTAN directory: biblio/bibtex/: All BibTeX related files on CTAN. A collection with short descriptions for each entry

DVIware on the CTAN: The dviware section of the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network. Most existing dviware are collected there

Local TeX User Groups: List of Local TeX User Groups (LUGs) at TUG

LyX - The Document Processor: An open source document processor running on many Unix platforms (including MacOS X), OS/2, and under Windows/Cygwin. LyX produces output using LaTeX in the background

pdfTeX: An extended version of TeX that can create PDF directly from TeX source files and enhance the result of TeX typesetting with the help of PDF. When PDF output is not selected, pdfTeX produces normal DVI output

Plain TeX Reference: A help file for Plain TeX derived from Anthony Stark's Plain TeX Reference. Compiled by Norman Walsh

TeX and TUG Meetings: Meetings of interest to TeX users, maintained by TUG

TeX Reference and Examples by David Bausum: Complete overview of TeX primitive control sequences

TUG: The North American (and international) TeX user group. Publishes TUGboat



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