Contact the Green Party: The page includes the Local Green Party links

Green Party of England and Wales: Information on current campaigns and elections as well as policies of the environmentalist party. Includes policies and articles from party publications. The party "aims to create a just, equitable and sustainable society

Labour Party: Britain's democratic socialist party. Includes policies, announcements and membership information

Liberal Democrats: The official site of the Liberal Democrats. Includes overview, news, policies, getting involved, people and contact

Socialist Party (England and Wales): Party information, editorials and articles. Includes a socialist plan for the future and answers to Frequently Asked Questions about socialism and various issues. Formerly known as Militant. Stands in elections as "Socialist Alternative"

Socialist Workers Party: Socialist Workers Party's homepage. Lists events, resources and has links to party theory

The Conservative Party: Britain's largest centre-right party sets out its policies and provides information on its campaigns, groups and representatives. Allows one to join up online, subscribe to email briefings, and locate a local branch. Led by David Cameron

The Official Monster Raving Loony Party: News, results, marketing, membership and links to local and international branches

UK Independence Party: Libertarian, non-racist party seeking Britain's withdrawal from the European Union. Includes manifesto, campaign news, links and a section devoted to speeches by its MEPs

UKIP Members of the European Parliament: Official website with numerous videos, speeches, parliamentary questions and campaign information



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