Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Non-Governmental Organizations: Compiles documentation about NGO's consulting the Economic and Social Council. Offers a list of participating organizations, application forms for new NGO's, and frequently asked questions for the general public International Court of Justice (ICJ): Seeks to resolve matters of international law disputed by state governments. General information, World Court decisions, and other resources United Nations Development Programme (UNDP): Strives to reduce poverty; increase literacy; create jobs; enhance technical cooperation between industrialized and non-industrialized nations; protect the environment; and ensure that women receive recognition, encouragement, and training United Nations Office at Geneva - Missions in Geneva: A categorised list of missions to the United Nations in Geneva. Includes: member states permanent missions; non-member states permanent observer missions; other entities with permanent observer missions; permanent offices maintained by intergovernmental organisations; and other entities with permanent offices United Nations OnLine (UNOL): Simulations of the General Assembly and Security Council organized through online discussion forums |
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